Welcome to our Virtual Worlds!

Free sneak peek of Virtual Oulu

  • icy roads and intro video
  • meet your guides Timo and Pekka
  • first few bad jokes

Oulu Virtual MasterClass

  • 12 short documentaries by top experts
  • 6 virtual 360˚ technical rides in Oulu with commentary (VR glass compatible)
  • 6 virtual spaces located in different parts of Oulu with action hotspots
  • bad jokes and horsing around by your tour guides Timo and Pekka


Busting Cycling Myths since 2008. Tips and hefty amount of practical know-how about making cities and people more bicycle-friendly.

Technical Farm

Hands on advice how to turn your cities, towns and villages visions into reality. This is fit farm for your borough.

Urban Lifestyle Engineering

Smart urban planning stealthily improves the overall health of the citizens. This is how it is done.